addRangeChangeListener(listener, token?, beforeChange?)

Adds a listener for when values are added or removed at any position.

Every change to an array, or any flat collection of values, can model any content change as a values added or removed at a particular index.

Every method that changes an array can be implemented in terms of splice(index, length, ...values). For example, every time you set(index, value) on an array, it can be modeled as splice(index, 1, value). Every time you push a value onto an array, it can be modeled as splice(length, 0, value). Every time you shift a value off an array, it cam be modeled as splice(0, 1). Each of these changes can be communicated with a single message, (plus, minus, index): the values removed after that index, the values that were added after that index, and the index itself, in that order.

Range change listeners receive such messages synchronously, as the array changes.

The listener itself can be a function, or a “handler” object. The function receives the arguments, (plus, minus, index). A handler object must implement a method that receives the same arguments, but the name of the method depends on whether your change listener has a name or “token” and whether the change listener is listening for change before or after they take effect.

The token argument passed to addRangeChangeListener dictates the listener’s name, and the beforeChange argument (true or false) determines whether the listener is called before or after the change is reflected on the collection.

If the token is "values" and beforeChange is false, the handler method name would be handleValuesRangeChange. If beforeChange is true, the handler method would be handleValuesRangeWillChange. If there is no token, the handler method would be either handleRangeChange or handleRangeWillChange.

The formula for handler method names gives precedence to the most specific name implemented by the handler:

  • handle + token + Range + Change or WillChange
  • handleRange + Change or WillChange
  • call

The collections/range-changes module exports a range changes mixin. The methods of RangeChanges.prototype can be copied to any collection that needs this interface. Its mutation methods will need to dispatch the range changes.

To register a will-change listener, use addBeforeRangeChangeListener and avoid using the beforeChange boolean argument unless it does in fact depend on a variable with that name, for the sake of readability.

On collections


  • addRangeChangeListener(listener)
  • addRangeChangeListener(listener, token)
  • addRangeChangeListener(listener, token, beforeChange)


var array = [1, 2, 3];
var cancel = array.addRangeChangeListener(function (plus, minus, index) {
    console.log("added:", plus, "removed:", minus, "at", index);
array.splice(1, 2, 5);
