
Adds a value to a collection.

Ignores the operation if the value already exists within a set. Regardless of the collection, returns whether the value was in fact added to the set.

Generic collection methods often invoke this method as add(value, key) or add(value, index), in which case these collections ignore the second argument. The genericity of add allows generic methods like addEach, filter, and clone to use the same treatment for sets and maps, where the key or index may or may not be meaningful. Consider the implementation of filter.

GenericCollection.prototype.filter = function (callback /*, thisp*/) {
    var thisp = arguments[1];
    var result = this.constructClone();
    this.reduce(function (undefined, value, key, object, depth) {
        if (, value, key, object, depth)) {
            result.add(value, key);
    }, void 0);
    return result;

The result will have the same type as this collection, which may be a map or a set for example, because each of these have a constructClone() method that will return an instance of their own type. If the collection is a set, the keys will be meaningless and ignored. If the collection is a map, the resulting map will have the entries, both key and value, of the original map, except those for do not pass the test.

On collections


  • add(value)